
Getting Started with SUSE Rancher Fleet and Shipa Cloud

As the GitOps paradigm continues to evolve, different interpretations and implementations will continue to appear. SUSE Rancher Fleet is a project creating a powerful, lightweight, and scalable GitOps engine. Recently, we showed the art of the possible between Shipa and SUSE Rancher Fleet. Make sure to check out our joint solution brief where the intersection of the SUSE Rancher and Shipa stacks come together. Though if this is your first time leveraging either Shipa or SUSE Rancher Fleet, we can get you started with this example. Make sure to fork or clone the example so you can see Fleet trigger with Git. 

Installing Fleet

Installing Fleet on a cluster is pretty straightforward. Fleet’s quickstart has the pair of Helm install commands to leverage.

helm -n fleet-system install --create-namespace --wait 

helm -n fleet-system install --create-namespace --wait 
Rancher Fleet Install

And just like that, you have Fleet installed. Next is to get started with Shipa Cloud. 

Getting Started with Shipa Cloud

If you don’t have a Shipa Cloud account, make sure to sign up. Once you log into Shipa Cloud, if this is your first time, a few Shipa objects need to be created. Everything that has been created in the below steps via the UI can be created also via an infrastructure-as-code e.g IaC solution such as Terraform or Crossplane. 


A Shipa Framework is the logical home of all of your policies and abstraction. 

Shipa Cloud -> Frameworks + Create Framework.

Can select the “resonsable defaults” for the Purpose.

Shipa Framework

Once you hit next, can give a name to the Framework.

Name: fleetframework

Plan: shipa-plan

Team: shipa-team.

Rancher Fleet Framework

Then click Create and your Framework has been created. 

Fleet Framework Created

Once the Framework has been created, can bind that to a Kubernetes cluster. 


Shipa will need to bind to a Kubernetes cluster to act on your behalf. Shipa does need a few pieces of information to connect to your Kubernetes cluster. Coming up very soon is a one-click bind to your Kubernetes cluster. 

Though if you do not have a cluster bound to Shipa Cloud, can add a new Cluster. 

Shipa Cloud -> Clusters + Add Cluster

Can give a Cluster a name and follow the prompts for the needed info. Can select to have “fleetframework” be associated with the Cluster. 

Add Fleet Cluster

Click Next to fill in the required information. 

Bind Fleet Cluster

Click Next with the required information. With your Cluster connected, lastly will need to create a Shipa Application. 


A Shipa Application is something that needs to get deployed and is subject to the rules/policies of the Framework. Recently, there have been improvements to quickly deploy. 

Shipa Cloud -> Applications + Add Application

Name: fleetapp

Framework: fleetframework

Team: shipa-team

Image URL [Sample Image Link] : 

Deploy Sample Shipa App

Click Deploy and your application has been deployed. 

Shipa App Created

Clicking on the URL, you can see the deployed application. 

First Deployed App Shipa

Though for this example, we want to deploy via Fleet. To accomplish that, there is one more piece that needs to be wired in, which is Crossplane. 

Crossplane Configuration

Crossplane is an excellent abstraction layer allowing for the easy switch of GitOps providers with Shipa. If you don’t have Crossplane installed in your cluster [e.g the cluster running Fleet], you can do that with Helm also.

kubectl create namespace crossplane-system
helm repo add crossplane-stable
helm repo update
helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-stable/crossplane

Helm Install Crossplane

With Crossplane installed, there is a trio of Crossplane Objects that need to be created for the Shipa Abstraction.  

Wiring Crossplane to Shipa

Wiring Crossplane to Shipa is pretty straightforward. Just need to install the Crossplane Provider and wiring up your Shipa Cloud credentials. 

In the crossplane-secret.yaml, make sure to replace the token with your Shipa Cloud Token.

Can get your Shipa Cloud Token by leveraging the Shipa CLI and running shipa token show

Shipa Token Show

Then add the API key to the crossplane-secret.yaml

Shipa Crossplane Secret

Apply the three manifests. 

Shipa Crossplane Manifests
kubectl apply -f crossplane-provider-shipa.yaml
kubectl apply -f crossplane-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f crossplane-shipa-config.yaml

Shipa Apply Crossplane Manifests

Now you are all set for the last piece, time to trigger Fleet.

First Fleet Deployment with Shipa

In the /apps directory in the sample repository, this would all that would have to be exposed to a developer. The only wiring the developer would need is an image and what the application is and that is it. 

Crossplane Fleet

To have Fleet trigger on this, just apply the Fleet Object. 

Fleet Object

Apply the Fleet Object in your Fleet Cluster. 

kubectl apply -f fleet-app.yaml 
kubectl -n fleet-local get fleet
Applying Fleet Object

With Fleet’s execution, you can now head back to the Shipa UI and check out what has just been deployed. 

Shipa Re-Deploy App

Click on the URL.

Fleet Deployed App

Congratulations on your first Fleet deployment with Shipa. 

SUSE Rancher Fleet and Shipa, Better Together. 

There is certainly a lot of the art of the possible between the SUSE Rancher Stack and Shipa. Swapping GitOps Engines from ArgoCD to Dagger to Fleet is simple with Shipa. All you need to expose to your developers is one or two lines in YAML and let Shipa take care of the rest.  Check out our Joint Solution Brief to see how the SUSE Rancher stack and Shipa works well together.

