
Shipa 1.6 Released – Developer Experience Democratized

We are really excited today at Shipa to release version 1.6 of Shipa. If you are using Shipa Cloud, you will notice that your version of the SaaS product has incremented. Let’s dig into what is new with Shipa 1.6.0 and how you can get your hands on Shipa.

What is new with Shipa 1.6.0

There are several new features with Shipa 1.6.0. Shipa continuously develops new features and is always on the lookout for user feedback to improve experiences. 

Node Selection Framework Updates

Having the ability to place workloads on certain Kubernetes nodes can be tricky especially when managing Taints and Tolerations by yourself. Now you have the ability to define as part of your Framework Policy, Node Selectors. With Node Selectors, you can influence and enforce the placement of workloads on a technical and business level. For example, if certain workloads have to be located with a certain team or geography, Shipa Frameworks now provides facilities to place to workloads. 

            environment: team1
            os: linux
          strict: true  

Jobs Support in Shipa

One workload/object in Kubernetes that typically doesn’t get a lot of press coverage is Jobs. Jobs are pretty powerful and they are exactly that; once a Job finishes the Pod is terminated. Shipa 1.6.0 now has support for Jobs. If you are unfamiliar with the power of Kubernetes Jobs, check out our documentation example on calculating Pi

Shipa Jobs

User Management / RBAC in the UI

You now have the ability in Shipa to manage RBAC roles and teams via the User Interface. Shipa provides vert fine-grained RBAC control. Now surfacing and managing those permissions can be accomplished via the User Interface.  


ConfigMap Mounting Simplification and Upload

ConfigMaps in Kubernetes are a way to decouple configuration from your container images. Instead of wiring environmental variables into your images, defining a ConfigMap allows environmental variables to be consumed by your Pods. In Shipa 1.6.0, you can even now upload a file with the key-value-pairs and Shipa will generate a ConfigMap and Shipa will even attach the ConfigMap all for you. 

Shipa Config Map

Application Discovery Networking Capabilities

If you are unfamiliar with Shipa Application Discovery, you can point Shipa to a Kubernetes Namespace and let Shipa surface information about applications running in that Namespace. Now Shipa will surface networking information about discovered applications in the UI. All of this without any changes to existing or running applications.

Shipa Auto-discovered Networking

Event Filtering on the UI

Teams and applications can certainly generate lots of events. Now in Shipa 1.6.0, there is the ability to filter Events by Applications and types of Events. 

Upgrading Self-Managed Shipa to 1.6.0

We have created this self-service guide to upgrade your Self-Managed [on-prem] instances of Shipa to 1.6.0. If you are using any sort of integration provider, leveraging newer APIs will require upgrades to those integration providers such as Terraform. 

Ketch Upgrades

Core to powering Shipa is our open-source framework, Ketch. With the latest version of Ketch powering Shipa, the Shipa platform becomes more robust. We are always looking for ideas and contributions to Ketch. Feel free to submit a PR today. 

On behalf of Shipa Engineering and Shipa Product Management, we are excited to continue to help democratize developer experience (DX).

