
Shipa Product Updates – 1.7.0 Release

We are really excited today to announce the Shipa 1.7.0 Release. Lots of great features and enhancements are packed in the latest release of Shipa. Several features coming from our customers and community, and you can now submit your ideas via the Idea Portal. Let’s take a look at what has been cooking at Shipa and upcoming events that you can catch us at. 

Highlighted New Features

If in the Northern Hemisphere you are coming off of Spring Break, the new features in Shipa can help you ease back into your technology routine. 

In our previous product update, we were in the last bits of testing for improving how folks bind Kubernetes Clusters to Shipa. Today, that feature is generally available as of Shipa 1.7.0 so you can have a single click to bind workload clusters to Shipa with a Magic Link. 

Shipa Single Click Kubernetes

Single Step Application Deployment

In the effort to reduce the number of steps between a user and deploying their hard work, now when creating a Shipa Application e.g what you will be deploying, everything you need will be upfront in the UI with additional validations in the UI to bat. 

Shipa Single Step Kubernetes Deploy

Private Registry Authentication Enhancements

As a developer, you usually set and forget your Docker Registry user and token until you change teams. Though for those managing the platform, rotations can be laborious. In the latest version of Shipa and the Shipa CLI, now you can add Docker Credentials to a set of Frameworks. Then the next time you deploy through the Shipa Framework, no need to pass in the private registry credentials.  

shipa credential add dockercreds --provider docker --framework framework1 --path ~/.docker/config.json

License Management  

For the self-managed users, licenses previously used to be managed by Helm and you would have to keep up with the license during upgrades e.g need to re-provide your Shipa License during a Helm Upgrade. Today, that is a thing of the past as license management has made it inside of Shipa. Not you can leverage the Shipa CLI or use the Shipa UI to manage your entitlements to Shipa and not manage the license via Helm. 

Shipa Upload License

Filtering in the Shipa UI

Now in the Shipa UI, you have the ability to filter on most Shipa Objects e.g Frameworks, Applications, etc. Especially for teams that have to deploy highly distributed applications and/or as your organization scales Shipa, finding the appropriate object has never been easier. 

Shipa Filter

Shipa CLI now Installable via Homebrew

If using a Mac, today you can install the Shipa Client e.g the Shipa CLI via Homebrew

brew tap shipa-corp/cli
brew install shipa-cli

Upcoming Events / Talks / Webinars

Notable Mentions in the Press

Looking Ahead

We are really excited to continuously improve the Shipa Platform. On our next horizon, we are improving all parts of the platform. Can take a look at our latest release notes the velocity which features, improvements, and bug fixes are closed. Some big changes are also coming to our website, if you check out the video, one spoiler is in there. 


-The Entire Shipa Team